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Mission Statement

Since 1920, The League of Women Voters has stood for freedom: freedom to vote, freedom to understand the issues, to serve and be served, no matter how rich or poor. Our mission is to encourage active participation of citizens in government.

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League of Women Voters of Seminole County
P.O. Box 160394
Altamonte Springs, Florida 32716-0394
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Date: 8/31/2022
Subject: September 2022 Newsletter

September 2022 Newsletter 

September is Suicide Awareness Month


Suicide, or thoughts of suicide, have increased greatly in the last three years--especially among young women. Statistics show that more young women than men attempt suicide, but more young men are successful in accomplishing it. Thoughts of suicide are especially prevalent among high school students.


988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline 


A new emergency number has been launched for those in crisis or for friends and loved ones of people they think are experiencing suicidal thoughts. The number to call or text is 988. The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) website has resources and information designed to help states, territories, tribes, mental health and substance use disorder professionals, and others looking for information on understanding the background, history, funding opportunities, and implementation resources for strengthening suicide prevention and mental health crisis services.


Here is the link.      

President's Message
Dear Fellow League Members,

With the primaries behind us, it is now time to gear ourselves up for the midterm elections.  As we all know, elections effect every area of our lives, from health care, to women’s rights, to voting rights.    A statement on the National LWV website implies that when we choose our leaders by voting, we’re choosing the people who will make decisions that shape the direction of our country and our communities.  Whether it’s a presidential election, a congressional election,  a state election or local election, as League members, we must be informed voters.


How can you become more informed?  Get involved, volunteer with our League.  You can become an informed voter through active participation on one of our committees, by attending a Hot Topic event or a forum. We ask that you assist us as we strive to make our “Democracy Work!”


This fall we will be hosting candidate forums for the key races in our county as well as informational presentations on the proposed Amendments to the Florida Constitution.  As citizens your best resource, providing specific information on the races in your district, is Link


Please take a moment to explore your voter guide on our website to become an informed voter and tell others how to navigate our website to help ensure that our “Democracy Works.”

Geraldine D. Wright, EdD

President LWV Seminole

Upcoming Events


Defending Civil Rights in Our New Reality

Jerry Edwards, Staff Attorney

 American Civil Liberties Union of Florida


 This presentation will address changes in strategies to utilize the courts to protect our civil rights in the future. It will conclude with a discussion of how organizations dedicated to protecting civil rights might go forward in our new reality.


September 22, 2022

11:30am – 1pm

Bonefish Grill - SR 434 in Longwood

Cost: $30 with choice of entrée

Pay in advance or at the door

RSVP Link Below

Campaign Sign Recycling


This year the League of Women Voters of Seminole County is joining with the Orange County League in recycling campaign signs after the primary and general election. The signs will ultimately be taken to a facility in Plant City to be converted into biofuel cubes used in manufacturing in place of fossil fuels. 


How can you help? We will be contacting candidates and offering a one-time pick up of signs they can no longer use. If you are available to help by picking up signs and taking them to a temporary storage location, please email Sharon Lynn at


Let us know what area of the county you live in and whether you have a vehicle that can accommodate the pick-up. We will coordinate with you ahead of the pick-up for all other details.

The New Faces of Homelessness 
On Thursday, August 18, a Forum on “The New Faces of Homelessness” was presented at the United Methodist Church of Sanford, sponsored by our Education Committee. The focus was on the people experiencing homelessness in Seminole County, its causes, services available, and possible steps to be taken.
The panel consisted of Jillian Finkelstein, Trevor Fraser, and Chris Hamm. Dr. Joel Hunter, president of Parable Foundation, served as the moderator. You may read the full article on our website.

Postcard Party 


Our Seminole League has promised to write 3,000 postcards, reminding returning citizens to VOTE and to use their hard-won rights this November.  Volunteers are provided with names and addresses, and asked to add a personal note which makes the reminder more personal and more memorable.


The project was kicked off with a Postcard Party at the July 28th Hot Topics lunch -- our first Hot Topics face-to-face get together since the Covid shut-down, producing 504 cards while catching up. 


Contact Pat Southward at to help write the postcards. 


Florida is surrounded by water and dotted with lakes. We have drenching summer thunderstorms and our faucets dependably deliver water for our homes. Therefore, we in Florida often take our water for granted, even in the face of dwindling fresh water supplies.


In fact, water quality issues remain one of the most pressing and unifying topics in our state.  Algal blooms have plagued Florida and beaches were shut down due to the respiratory issues red tide causes for people, tourists canceled trips, and high-volume fish kills were experienced on both coasts.


How can you can take action? 

Reduce your reliance on dirty fossil fuels as dirty air pollution turns into water pollution: 
  • carpool, use bikes, or take public transportation;
  • install rooftop solar panels;
  • adjust your thermostat, add ceiling fans and find other methods to make your home more energy-efficient. 

 Member Spotlight   -    Sharon Lynn

When asked why she joined the League, Sharon replied “I have always thought our right, as citizens, to vote is sacrosanct. No organization that I know of is more committed to working to ensure access to voting than the League. That was my primary motivation for joining, but I have found so much more and continue to learn through our education and advocacy outreach.”

Sharon states “Shortly after joining, I became the Seminole League’s Natural Resources Chair during the campaign to get the citizen’s initiative for the Water and Land Legacy on the ballot which passed in 2014 with clear bipartisan support from Florida’s voters. I have served as 2nd VP, 1st VP followed by three years as President. Leading the organization during a pandemic and shutdown was a challenge I took very seriously, and I am grateful that we continued to thrive. Since leaving the presidency, I am back to my environmental role and credit the League with a knowledge level I would otherwise not have achieved. I continue to advocate for informed voting and have concerns about our polarized society and the erosion of rights.”

Lastly, Sharon wants our reader to know that for her “Volunteering in my retirement is a rewarding second act, and the League has been a huge part of that. I had a fulfilling career of federal service spanning over 30 years. I am a product of Florida public education, having attended school in Broward, Miami-Dade and Orange Counties. I subsequently attended Florida State University. As a practically lifelong Floridian I am deeply invested in its future.”


The League of Women Voters of Seminole County
Welcomes our New 2022 Members 

Janine Armstrong

Emily Bellairs

Megan Betche

Cathy Breuer

Carsandra Buie

Linda Coffin

Anna-Marie Cote

Carole Coyne

Elizabeth Escarraz

Maryanne Fiala

Autumn Garick

Sarah Green

Karin Gregg

Marlene Gregg

Sandra Guy

Richard Harrison

Philana Haumiller

Cecilia Height

Marilyn Hochman

Heidi Hollingsworth

Claire Hoey

Patricia Howard



Robert Howard

Al Hurley

Janice Hurley

Melanie Iriye

Sallie Jenkins

Rosemary Kuperberg

Tiffany Manuel

Marjorie Murray

Patricia Padilla

Laura Proctor

Abby Sanchez

Carla Schweers

Charlotte Sladek

Connie Stolp

Susan Surprise-Kumiski

Michelle Tauber

Marguerite Terwillieger

Joe Thoma

Lynn Warnicke

Alexandra Wilson

Dylan Wilson

Shela Wilson

LWVSC Name Badges


Would you like to have a name badge for when you attend LWV events? Or have one with the new LWV logo on it? If you are a board member, you can request the badge with your position on it, such as Voter Registration Chair or Secretary. Otherwise, it will have your name along with the current LWV logo on it. The cost for a badge is $10.00.


If you are interested, please let Lynn Fenster know by emailing her at or telling her at an upcoming Hot Topics. 


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