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Mission Statement

Since 1920, The League of Women Voters has stood for freedom: freedom to vote, freedom to understand the issues, to serve and be served, no matter how rich or poor. Our mission is to encourage active participation of citizens in government.

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League of Women Voters of Seminole County
P.O. Box 160394
Altamonte Springs, Florida 32716-0394
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Date: 4/30/2023
Subject: May 2023 Newsletter

May 2023 Newsletter 
Newsletter Highlights:
  • Mental Health Awareness Month
  • Information about LWVLF Convention June 2-4
  • Field Trip to Seminole SOE Office

  • Upcoming May Events
  • Service Project for SafeHouse of Seminole
  • Member Spotlight - Rosemary Closson

  • Seminole County Charter Review Information    
  • Request your Mail-in Ballot
  • How to pay by credit card on ClubExpress

Mental Health Month 2023


May is Mental Health Awareness Month, the month when people focus on the positive aspects of good mental health. But this year, in a way, it really began on April 22, when over a thousand people gathered at Cranes Roost Park in Altamonte Springs for the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) Greater Orlando’s yearly fundraiser.  With a goal of $200,000, the funds will be used for services to families who have a person challenged by mental illness as well as the person themselves. All the services provided by NAMI are free.

As always, the goal is to increase awareness of mental health issues and to banish the stigma of seeking help. Generations Y and Z tend to be more accepting of that. Notable people present at the Cranes Roost event were Seminole County Sheriff Dennis Lemma, Orange County Mayor Jerry Demings and UCF Public Safety Chief Carl Metzger. Since problems often emerge between the ages of 18 and 24, Chief Metzger knows that his public safety crew must be trained in crisis intervention techniques.

At our meetings in May, green ribbons will be distributed in order for our members to express their support for Mental Health Awareness.

For more information about LWV Seminole County's Mental Health Committee contact Elizabeth Murphrey

President's Message

Dear League Members, 

The League of Women Voters of Florida’s 2023 Convention is scheduled for June 2-4 in Orlando, Florida.  The theme for this year’s Convention is “Speak With One Voice and Make it Heard.” 

The following information is available for those interested in attending -

  • The Seminole League is entitled to have a total of 11 delegates – President, Vice President and nine additional members.If you are interested in attending, please email your interest to Geraldine Wright.


  • Convention Registration and Lodging – The Convention will take place at the DoubleTree Orlando located at 60 S. Ivanhoe Blvd. Orlando.


    All the information on Convention, including links to register for the convention and hotel reservations can be found at the link below:


  • This link will also give you information about Convention Scholarships, LWVFL bylaws, slate of officers and program.

Geraldine D. Wright, President

LWV Seminole


SOE group pic
What an informative and thorough visit we had on April 25th at the Seminole County Supervisor of Elections office! Chris Anderson, SOE, spent over two hours walking us through the office, introducing us to key personnel, sharing process, plans and visions and answering our questions. Most of our group made it into this picture on the left.
Chris Anderson
Chris Anderson is pictured above next to a slide that sums up the vision for the office...Excellence, Leading, Integrity, Transparency and Efficiency.  Chris shared with us his commitment to safeguarding the votes of the citizens of our county which he referred to as 'political capital' that needs to be as protected as our personal capital is at any bank. Although voting is an act of politics, he stressed that his office is guided by principle, not politics. 
Geri and certificate
Geri Wright is shown here presenting Chris with a Certificate of Appreciation on behalf of the League of Women Voters Florida. 

May Events
Pipes 2023
Suicide Awareness 2023

May Hot Topics 
May 25, 2023 at 11:30 am at Patio Grill, Sanford
Law and Consequences!
Join us for a discussion of the 2023 Legislative Session and what it means for us as women, as League members and concerned citizens. The impacts of this session will be far-reaching affecting our public safety, our public schools and our public and personal health. Spearheading our discussion will be Sadaf Knight, CEO of Florida Policy Institute and Jennifer Adams,  LWVFL Advocacy Chair.
Sadaf Knight
Sadaf Knight
Jennifer Adams
Jennifer Adams

SafeHouse Seminole Spring Wish List
LWV Seminole County is participating in a drive for much needed supplies and donations for SafeHouse Seminole. The needs are varied - from diapers and pullups to hygiene and cleaning products.
Click here to see the entire donation page including wish list items and other ways to donate.
Our drive will focus on kids products and personal hygiene items (see below). Items may be brought with you to our Annual Meeting on June 11th. For more information contact Mary Ann Feldheim

Kids List

  • Diapers and Pull Ups sizes, 3T, 4T, 5T and 6T
  • Formula
  • Wipes
  • Juice boxes
  • Breakfast Bars (like nutria-grain bars) – the kids can’t get enough of these!
  • Snack packs for afterschool

Hygiene List:

  • Full Size Shampoo and Conditioner  (for all ethnic groups)
  • Body Wash
  • Body Lotion
  • Hair Brushes
  • Toothbrushes and Toothpaste for adults and children

Rosemary Closson

Would you be thrilled if your career took you to a foreign country for a year?   And if that year fulfilled your wish to make the world a better place, to help a struggling community build itself?  And, if you were a scholar and teacher, to work with eager students and hard-working colleagues --- what more could you want?


Rosemary Closson and her husband, both academics, had that opportunity for a year. They taught at the University of Maiduguri in  Nigeria.   Their stay was through Teacher’s for Africa (TFA) a project of Reverend Leon Sullivan and funded by USAID. The goal of TFA was to teach participatory educational techniques to teachers. Rosemary’s Nigerian teaching work focused on community-based adult education. A highlight of her work in Nigeria was collaboratively planning with the Agency for Mass Education (the Nigerian provider of adult literacy programs) workshops for literacy teachers. This international teaching opportunity was followed by a second year’s teaching stint in Kenya at a branch campus of United States International University.


Rosemary’s academic career has included faculty appointments at FSU, where she earned her PhD; University of South Florida; North Carolina A&T and at Rollins’ Hamilton Holt School. She has presented at academic conferences and wrote numerous articles on a wide variety of topics in her field of adult education. Her academic career followed a career in Human Resource Development with the City of Gainesville and with the University of Central Florida where she developed training programs for mid-level managers and all non-instructional staff. Additionally, she developed credit programs for high school teachers while working at Valencia Community College. It was working in these types of roles that prompted her to return for an advanced degree in adult education.


Married for 54 years she and her husband raised two daughters and they have three grandsons.  Some of us also know Rosemary through her Baha’i work.  She is a member of the Seminole Baha’i community and much of her work since retirement has been introducing this faith to those unfamiliar with it: Baha’is believe that there is only one God, unknowable in his essence, who is the creator and absolute ruler of the universe.  Baha’is believe in the oneness of humanity and devote themselves to the abolition of racial, class, and religious prejudices. The faith accepts the divine nature of the missions of Abraham, Moses, Zoroaster, the Buddha, Jesus, Muhammad, and other prophets.


Rosemary is a member of Seminole LWV’s Education team and Library team


The LWV Charter Review Committee has begun its study of the existing charter and will be examining all articles and sections of it to determine if there is a need to make any changes that could be recommended to the County’s Charter Review Commission (CRC) that will begin meeting in the fall. It has In order to keep League members informed about this process, I will be providing articles in the Voter about charters in general and provisions in the Seminole Charter.

As noted in last month’s newsletter, the Charter is the local constitution for county government and deals primarily with the structure and function of the government. It establishes the form of government; describes the powers and duties of the county and the county commission; the relationship to state and municipal law; and, the organization of the county government.

The Seminole Charter begins with a preamble that identifies the source of authority, a statement of action to be taken, and the intent of the charter. While a preamble is largely aspirational without the power of law, it can reflect the character of the community, it’s values, and goals. As in all county charters, the Seminole Charter cannot be in conflict with state or federal laws. However, our charter does specify that in the event of a conflict between county and municipal ordinances, the city ordinances  prevail within its boundaries.

Seminole County has a Commission/Manager form of government which is the most prevalent form among cities and counties nationwide. This separates the legislative function in the County Commission and the executive function with the county manager. The Board of County Commissioners (BOCC) serves as the policy makers and the county manager is the executive, charged with the day-to-day implementation of the policies. Our charter further describes the makeup of the BOCC as having 5 members, living in geographic areas, being elected at-large in partisan elections, with no term limits. This reflects the same makeup that non charter counties have as established by state law. If desired, the voters in Seminole County could change any aspect of this, including increasing the number of commissioners, providing for single member districts, having nonpartisan elections, and term limits.

The study the League committee has begun includes discussion of these issues, examining the pros and cons of each, as well as reviewing charters from other counties for ideas that might be appropriate in Seminole. If you have any questions or thoughts on these or other aspects of the charter, please contact me at and I will share your views with the committee.

Request your Mail Ballot

Due to Florida's Senate Bill 90 (2021), all registered Florida voters who want to vote by mail in 2023-2024 must submit a NEW vote-by-mail ballot request to their county Supervisor of Elections!

Municipal Elections are fast approaching in many parts of the state, and the deadline to request a ballot be mailed to you is 10 days before a local municipal election date.
Click Here for the Seminole County Supervisor of Election Page

Paying with Credit Card on ClubExpress

via the PayPal Option

There has been some confusion about how to pay with a credit card on ClubExpress.  This step-by-step should help alleviate some of that! 


Step #1

  • When registering for an event select PayPal as the Payment Method

paypal first
Step #2
  • Once PayPal is selected as a payment method, the PayPal Checkout button will appear, click on this button
paypal 2

Step #3

  • A PayPal screen will appear after the button is selected
  • You can either sign into your PayPal account and pay through that OR
  • You can pay with a credit card by selecting the option at the bottom of the screen which is highlighted below.

Pay Pal 1

LWVSC Name Badges

Would you like to have a name badge for when you attend LWV events? Or would you like to have one with the new LWV logo on it? If you are a board member, you can request the badge with your position on it, such as Voter Registration Chair or Secretary. Otherwise, it will have your name along with the current LWV logo on it.
The cost for a badge is $10.00. If you are interested, please let Lynn Fenster know by emailing her at or telling her at an upcoming Hot Topic. 

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