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Mission Statement

Since 1920, The League of Women Voters has stood for freedom: freedom to vote, freedom to understand the issues, to serve and be served, no matter how rich or poor. Our mission is to encourage active participation of citizens in government.

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League of Women Voters of Seminole County
P.O. Box 160394
Altamonte Springs, Florida 32716-0394
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Date: 6/30/2023
Subject: July 2023 Newsletter

July 2023 Newsletter 

President Cathy Swerdlow's Message

This is my first article for our Newsletter as LWV Seminole President. It is truly my honor to serve our League and our community in this capacity. I feel both excited and overwhelmed – excited by the many possibilities and overwhelmed by how much I do not know! But I am reassured by the fact that I am not in this alone. I stand on the shoulders of the women who have led our organization in the past and marvel at the many skills, interests, and experiences that you, our members, bring.


My short-term goal for this summer is to meet as many members as I can. To that end I have set up ‘summer somethings’ that I hope by now all of you have heard about! We had our first one on June 22nd at the Patio Grill in Sanford for breakfast. There were eight of us and we had time to learn about one another and share ideas about what we could do as a League. I’m looking forward to the next two – July 11 at 11:30 am to 1:00 pm at the Town House in Oviedo and July 20 at 4:00 to 6:00 pm at Cork & Olive in Lake Mary. Everyone is welcome and please, bring a friend!

If you have an idea or a question, please feel free to reach out to me. I look forward to meeting you!

Cathy Swerdlow

321 663 3448

Seminole Forever July Hot Topic 

Seminole Forever 

Thursday, July 27, 2023

Patio Grill

11:30 am – 1:00 pm



Join us on July 27th and learn more about Seminole Forever. This initiative would establish a county-wide natural lands acquisition program that mirrors Florida Forever, which for decades has purchased environmentally sensitive lands for conservation and recreation across the state.

Proposed by Commissioner Lee Constantine last year, Seminole Forever would establish a seven-member advisory group that would recommend to the Board of County Commissioners which lands the county should acquire for conservation or recreation.



Let's Get Together! 

Incoming president, Cathy Swerdlow, has made it her short-term goal for this summer to meet as many members as she can. To that end, she has set up ‘summer somethings’ to meet with members in an informal setting at different times of day and different locations around Seminole County. 
We hope that you will take some time to meet Cathy and learn about her goals for the coming year.  More information is found on our “Summer Somethings” flyer. 

Annual Meeting 


County Commission Chair Amy Lockhart was the speaker on Sunday, June 11th at our LWVSC Annual Meeting. She shared with us some of the new initiatives that the County has adopted with the money available from the Covid Recovery Funds as well as information about the upcoming Charter Review. Following her talk, we successfully passed our budget, revised our bylaws, adopted our Local Program and elected new officers. Members also brought donations for Safehouse of Seminole.


New and continuing officers are: Cathy Swerdlow, President; Val Schulz, 1st Vice-President, Lynn Fenster, 2nd Vice-President; Anna Thoma, Secretary; Bridget Elliott, Treasurer. Elected for a 2-year term as a Director on the Board were Elizabeth Murphrey and Katie Murphy. LaVonne Grayson and Sharon Lynn will continue as Directors for one more year.


Geri Wright was recognized and thank for all her work during her term. Looking forward Cathy invited members to get involved, bring in friends and expand our reach in the community.

Speaker County Commissioner 
Amy Lockhart 
Marilyn Crotty, Cathy Swerdlow, Sue Kellicut 

League of Women Voters of Florida 2023 Convention

League of Women Voters of Florida State Convention


Five Seminole League members attended the LWVFL State Convention held in Orlando this year; Cathy Swerdlow, Lynn Fenster, Valerie Schulz, Katie Murphy and Rebekah Richey. Our president, Cathy Swerdlow states “This was an amazing and informative experience for me. The sessions were all interesting and educational and I learned a great deal. I also gained insight into how our League functions within the state and national League. Most importantly I benefitted from the informal networking – these men and women were welcoming, involved, and interested in sharing what they were doing and brainstorming on solutions to common issues. I met Leaguers from the Lower Keys to Tallahassee and Jacksonville and all points in between!”

The complete article (link below) includes lots of information from the sessions everyone attended!
Members in the picture are: Katie Murphy, Rebekah Richey, Cathy Swerdlow, and Lynn Fenster. 

Constitutional Amendment Initiative to Limit Government Interference with Abortion

League of Women Voters Seminole County


One of our League’s top priorities this year is the abortion access 2024 ballot initiative. Nearly a million signatures are needed by December. Each of us should be actively working on getting signatures. As a resource, here is the ballot initiative’s link tree which provides links to all the information you need for the work we need to do. Go to You can print the petition form from there. The volunteer guide is there and more.

Be sure you get signed petitions from every family member, friend and neighbor. For whoever you’re helping with the petition:

  • Are you a FL Registered Voter?
  • Write Clearly or petition will be thrown out.
  • It is not country after zip code, it is COUNTY.
  • Birth Date is all you need.
  • Please sign the same signature on your voter’s registration / or driver’s license and date.

Then CHECK every form to be sure they won’t be rejected, i.e., complete and legible.



You have 7 days from date of signature to get petitions to Floridians Protecting Freedom. You are encouraged to mail your petitions to the address on the form.   Floridians Protecting Freedom is working within the state mandated tight  timeframe of 30 Days from date of signature to get completed petitions to the appropriate Supervisor of Elections.  


National Popular Vote

National Popular Vote Interstate Compact (NPVIC)


You may have heard that Minnesota’s legislature and governor just passed the NPVIC in May! Minnesota is the 17th state/district to pass this bill, and with its 10 electoral votes pushes the current total to 205 out of the 270 needed for this interstate compact agreement to take effect.


Michigan, Maine, and Arizona are some of the other states considering enacting the NPVIC. In Florida, the same Representative and Senator who sponsored last year will sponsor in the early legislative session for 2024. The group “Floridians for National Popular Vote” is watching closely to see to which committee the bill is assigned.


As soon as it is known which legislators are on that committee, we will be talking with them to encourage the bill being “heard” in committee, to be sure they understand the non-partisan nature of this legislation, and how it benefits the small “d” democratic process.


Let Valerie know if you have an interest in National Popular Vote – She can forward the link so you can attend Zoom meetings to learn more, or simply ask her!   


Valerie Schulz,


Remembering Hillard Haynes

When Betty and Hillard Haynes moved from Seminole County to South Carolina two years ago, they left very big shoes to fill in our League. They made every event they attended better by their presence, and we were lucky to have them as members and friends. 


So, it is with deep sorrow that we announce the passing of Hillard last week in South Carolina. For those of us who knew him, this is a great loss. 


Hillard Haynes served as a Chief Warrant Officer Four in the United States Army (retired), followed by Federal Service in the Department of Defense.


Hillard was a veteran of the Vietnam war serving in both Vietnam (1966-1967) and Thailand with the United States Army receiving the Republic of Vietnam Campaign Medal, Republic of Vietnam Gallantry Cross Unit Citation with Palm, Vietnam Service Medal (2 awards) and Overseas Service Bar (3 awards) ribbon. His other recognitions include the Legion of Merit, Meritorious Service Medal (4 OLC), and Overseas Service Ribbons (5 awards).


Hillard, working with the Florida Restoration of Rights Coalition, spearheaded our effort to get Amendment 4 on the ballot for returning citizens, giving them the crucial right to vote. He always helped us with whatever needed to be done. He was a constant presence at our Hot Topics and anyone lucky enough to sit with him (while Betty kept the sign-in table going) was guaranteed good conversation and good company. He did so much more for Seminole County.


There are plans to hold a memorial in Florida in the future and we will share those when arrangements are pinned down.


Our sympathy and love go out to Betty and the rest of the family. Pictured are Hillard Haynes, Betty Haynes, Sharon Lynn


National Alliance on Mental Illness in Greater Orlando
Upcoming Events 

The National Alliance on Mental Illness in Greater Orlando has several programs coming up, all of which are free. Here is the list of events with registration links. 

  • 7/9/2023 - Family and Friends: a 4-hour seminar at UCF. More info here, register here and the flyer is attached. 
  • 7/12/2023 - Candid Conversation on Mental Health in the Minority Community: 1-hour presentation. More info & reserve your spot here.  Flyer attached.
  • 7/12/2023 - Family to Family: an 8-week class in Winter Park. More info here, register here and the flyer is attached. 
  • 9/23/2023 - Homefront: a 6-week class for loved ones of Veterans. More info here, register here and the flyer is attached. 

Member Travels 

Travels with Jim!


Jim Turney, our Transportation Committee Chair, shared this photo from his visit to the Turning Point Suffragist Memorial honoring the women who were imprisoned for picketing at the White House when Woodrow Wilson was president in 1917.


Their story is disturbing and told on placards in this new park, which celebrated its second anniversary last month, located on the former grounds of the prison where they were held.  Here is the link to the museum.



Jim is also looking for members who are interested in joining his Transportation Committee! Contact Jim at


SafeHouse Seminole Donations 

Pat Southward delivered our donations that were collected at the Annual Meeting to SafeHouse of Seminole and received this lovely thank you.

Dear Pat,

We thank you for your incredible generosity! We greatly appreciate your recent donation of diapers, hygiene items, and snacks! Please let this letter serve as receipt of your donation.

Your donation means the world to the brave victims and survivors who seek safety and shelter at SafeHouse who have been traumatized by violence, usually arriving with little to no clothing or belongings.

Because of your generous gift, we can continue our mission of providing the very basic needs of the survivors of Seminole County. You have made a great difference in the lives of the survivors here at SafeHouse.

On behalf of the survivors and their children, we thank you for your donation to SafeHouse and your belief that survivors in Seminole County deserve the best chance at a new life! Thank you for your support!


With best wishes and sincere gratitude,

The SafeHouse Team

Request your Mail Ballot

Due to Florida's Senate Bill 90 (2021), all registered Florida voters who want to vote by mail in 2023-2024 must submit a NEW vote-by-mail ballot request to their county Supervisor of Elections!

Municipal Elections are fast approaching in many parts of the state, and the deadline to request a ballot be mailed to you is 10 days before a local municipal election date.
Click Here for the Seminole County Supervisor of Election Page

LWVSC Name Badges

Would you like to have a name badge for when you attend LWV events? Or would you like to have one with the new LWV logo on it? If you are a board member, you can request the badge with your position on it, such as Voter Registration Chair or Secretary. Otherwise, it will have your name along with the current LWV logo on it.
The cost for a badge is $10.00. If you are interested, please let Lynn Fenster know by emailing her at or telling her at an upcoming Hot Topic. 

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