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Mission Statement

Since 1920, The League of Women Voters has stood for freedom: freedom to vote, freedom to understand the issues, to serve and be served, no matter how rich or poor. Our mission is to encourage active participation of citizens in government.

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League of Women Voters of Seminole County
P.O. Box 160394
Altamonte Springs, Florida 32716-0394
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Date: 7/31/2023
Subject: August 2023 Newsletter

August 2023 Newsletter 

President Cathy Swerdlow's Message

Well, it certainly was something this summer - talking about our ‘Summer Somethings’ of course! It was wonderful to meet and network informally with so many Leaguers from Sanford to Oviedo to Lake Mary. I am so grateful to all of you who came out either for breakfast, lunch, or happy hour. I learned a lot from you and left feeling energized for the year ahead.


In our efforts to revitalize our League in the Post-Covid era, we have worked to create some new Action Teams that reflect areas of interest for our members. We have several Teams that have been reorganized and others that are being constituted for the first time. Please be patient as we get our new leaders oriented to Club Express (our database) and we take the first steps!


 Diversity, Equity & Inclusion is led by Rebekah Richey and is no longer nested under the Education Team. This change reflects the prominence that this issue has within the LWV nationally and on the state level, as well as within our county. The DEI Team will work on inclusion for all groups - LGBTQIA+, race, ethnicity, religion, abilities and more.


Social Justice is led by Katie Murphy and has been formed from the interest areas of immigration, quality of life and housing affordability.


 Health Policy is being facilitated by Donna Gray and this Team reflects the inclusion of physical and mental health and will work on such issues as parity between the two as well as resources and policies within our county as well as state and national efforts.


 Voters Services is now led by Deana Schott who is working closely with Pat Southward who has stewarded this portfolio for several years but who will now be able to concentrate more on our Speaker’s Bureau.


A full list of Action Teams and Leads is included in this newsletter. Feel free to contact any Team for more information and how to get involved. If there is something you think we are missing, just contact me!


Cathy Swerdlow



Action Teams/Committees



August Field Trip 

Field Trip To Juvenile Enforcement Center

Join Us to Learn More About Juvenile Justice Programs in Seminole County


Thursday, August 3, 2023

10:00 am to 1:00 pm

Meet at the Juvenile Enforcement Center

1151 East 28th Street Sanford, Florida


 Director Jerri Weathers will provide a tour of the Juvenile Enforcement Center, home to the Juvenile Justice Division’s intervention programs.


August Hot Topics 

 Seminole League Hot Topic

August 24, 2023

Patio Grill Sanford

11:30 Check-in, Program 12 – 1pm

Returning Citizens
Facing the Challenges
The speaker will be from the Florida Rights Restoration Coalition updating us on the challenges of SB7050 and the suit against the State of Florida.

We will also be working on postcards!

July Hot Topic
 At the July Hot Topic, County Commissioner, Lee Constantine spoke to a full house at the Patio Grill on July 27, 2023.  He covered the state of the county focusing on Seminole Forever and answered questions from the audience on issues of importance to the League.  

Join the Speakers Bureau

Do you want to educate and empower citizens at this critical time in our civic life? We’ve got the perfect volunteer job for you!  Join our Speakers Bureau and you’ll receive the high-quality training and presentation tools you need to be a successful presenter.


The league has over 100 years of advocacy experience and has earned a reputation as a reliable source to educate and empower voters.  It’s only after rigorous study at the national, state and local level that the league will take a position on an issue.  


Speakers are given League-prepared Power Point presentations and speakers notes -- as a presenter, you are never out on a limb, asked or encouraged to create content for your presentations.  Recorded training sessions for most presentations are available for people who were unable to attend the original sessions. 


Although the league takes positions on issues, it does not endorse a specific candidate and/or attempt to show preference to one party.  Rather, the league encourages all citizens to register to vote and educate themselves on the issues and candidate positions.  We seek audiences from a wide spectrum of religious, political and community groups. Speakers are encouraged to reach out to their own social and affiliate groups.


The 2023-24 programs include National Popular Vote; Civics & Civility; Your Voice, Your Power, Your Vote; The Status of Women: Stone Age to Space Age; Florida State Government; and Seminole County Government.  New programs on topical issues are being prepared and old ones updated for the Summer and the rest of the year.  The presentations are password protected.


Contact Pat Southward at  and put “Speaker’s Bureau Volunteer” in the subject line.

Invitation to Join the "New" Social Justice Action Team 

Two of the current social issues impacting Seminole County are sufficient affordable housing and immigration as well as quality of life.


This is the invitation to join the Social Justice Action Team and determine where and how the LWVSC can make a positive change in these areas.  We do not want to reinvent or duplicate, but find ways we can advocate for, enhance, and contribute to the solutions for housing, immigration and quality of life.


I am sure there are other groups through which you are seeing these issues addressed.  Knowing what is currently happening and how we can best intersect with the positive actions through awareness, advocacy, support or more will best utilize our people power.


I invite you to join our group online, in person, and through emails informing us of current community actions.  You will be committing to what you are willing and able to do.  That may be just sending us links to other groups and news articles.  It may be inviting us to join an event that others are holding.  It may be discussion groups that create new angles and approaches to the issues.  I would love to see open community discussion groups for awareness and brainstorming.


I will be looking for who is interested, what you bring to the table for information and connections, what time you have available, and the talents you have to offer, as well as when you can meet (i.e., dates and times that don’t work), where (what is close to you that would be a great meeting place- i.e., coffee shops, libraries, religious building, offices with a meeting room) and your online contact and virtual meeting options.  I know that virtual eliminates the dressing and driving time, but in person initiates more creativity, so I am hoping for a mix. 


Starting place- send me your name, mail address, phone address and any of the above or other information that will be helpful.  I would like to hold the first meeting before the end of August. 


Katie Murphy

407-312-0743 (text your name first so I will answer)

Health Policy Action Team

Health Policy Action Team

We are in the process of reformulating and revitalizing our efforts in the area of healthcare in Seminole County. This new Action Team will encompass both physical and mental health in one team.


Moving this team forward will take information gathering and strategic planning.


Donna Gray and Leslie Grubl have offered to help in this endeavor. YOU are invited to join together with them and help guide this team...many hands make light work!


There will be an organizational Zoom on Thursday, August 10th at 7 pm. If you are interested in being part of this exciting and rewarding endeavor, please contact


Voter Services
Thank you to Pat Southward for 25 years of service!

First a huge THANK YOU with respect, appreciation and gratitude to Pat Southward for chairing the Voter Services Committee for 25+ years!!!  WOW We need a party with a big cake topped with 25 candles to commemorate the amazing work she has done for us.  Thankfully she has agreed to stay on the committee to help.  YAY!!




If you have an interest in any of these areas within our team please reach out to Deana Schott, 321-217-0017, or select Voter Services when you renew or join and I will get back to you to match your interests and availability to our team.  There are short term, long term and single event items that you may help with, so don’t be worried that you will be committed to 25 years of service (unless you are so motivated.) 

Transportation Committee Update

CraneRides, Altamonte Springs' new autonomous bus, began free daily service July 24 on a route looping around the mall and Cranes Roost (eventually the path is planned to go to SunRail). This is the first autonomous public transportation in Seminole County as a pilot project with FDOT.


Our LWV Transportation Committee chair, Jim Turney, took a test ride. The LWV Transportation Committee meets monthly via Zoom on third Thursdays at 8:30pm. Members are encouraged to join on our Zoom channel.

League of Women Voters of Seminole County
Charter Review Committee 
Final Report


The Seminole County League of Women Voters Charter Review Committee has completed the first phase of our study of the County Charter. Thanks to committee members Jennifer Adams, Deb Carswell, Desta Horner, Mary Ann Feldheim, Sharon Lynn, Linda Phipps, and Pat Southward, we submitted recommendations to the League Board for changes to the Charter that align with the League Local Government Yardstick that was adopted in 1988.  


At the July Board meeting, the Board unanimously approved the following recommendations for amendments to the Charter:Follow this link to read all of the recommendations: 


Charter Review Committee - League of Women Voters Seminole County (

Marilyn Crotty, Chair Charter Review Committee 


National Popular Vote


"The Moon Shot" (National Popular Vote)


Debbie Chandler, LWVFL Co-President and Dr. Jill Lewis-Spector, 2nd Vice President learned firsthand from LWVVUS directors and staff about a new, multi-decade effort with the goal of electing the US President and Vice President by popular vote. Here is the news article: National Popular Vote:  


National Popular Vote - League of Women Voters Seminole County (


Valerie Schulz,

LWV Seminole Home Page