Events - Month View
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Winter Springs High School
Are you frustrated by having limited influence in Washington and Tallahassee? Are you interested in learning more about local government in Seminole County? Are you ready to engage with your city and county officials? Then the new Local Government Committee is for you. Chair Marilyn Crotty invites any Seminole County LWV member who answered yes to the above questions to join this committee as we begin our work this year. During the meeting, members will review our existing Yardstick for Local Government and determine goals to address.
This event will honor our accomplishments and uplift our commitment to empowering voters and defending democracy. You‘ll hear from CEO Celina Stewart, Esq., President Dianna Wynn, and more leaders from the League and beyond.
This rally will be hosted on Facebook and later uploaded to YouTube. Register at
Join us to plan and implement these initiatives: Voter registration,Vote by Mail, Candidate Debates, Educational Forums, Speakers Bureau Initiatives and Get Out the Vote events for the Seminole League.
Join us and Guest Speaker Tomas Lares to raise awareness and help end this horrific crime happening in our own backyard.